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Medication Refill Reminder Services
Database Systems Corp. (DSC) has been in the telecommunications business since 1978 and is a leading provider of computer telephony software and phone technology including telephone reassurance phone systems that contact homebound residents to ensure their well-being.
Employing our advanced calling technology, DSC can send pill reminders such as medication reminders for seniors and homebound patients in just minutes. A recorded message can be delivered to either answering machines or to individuals reminding subscribers to take their prescription medication.
Medication reminders can be customized for each senior including special instructions. Custom information for each patient (such as name, medication type, prescription dosage, number of times per day, etc.) can be included in these medication reminder messages.
The following article is useful when considering the importance of taking your pills as prescribed.
Contact DSC to learn more about our medication reminder services and systems.
Pharmacy Compliance and Refill Reminders
Source: Pharmacy Satisfaction Digest
Current as of 1007
The lack of patient adherence to his or her drug therapy remains
strikingly out of balance with the goals of health care providers, caregivers
and overburdened public and private health plan sponsors. This year’s
Digest shows little evidence of improvement.
Despite overwhelming evidence that lack of medication compliance
can lead to serious and even life-threatening health complications and
hospitalizations, a huge percentage of the patient population either fails to
take all their medications as directed, or even to fill all their prescriptions.
Nearly 1-in-3 pharmacy customers reported that they didn’t fill all their
new prescriptions in the past year, and more than 1-in-4 didn’t refill all
their medications as scheduled. Patients with conditions like high blood
pressure and diabetes report the highest adherence levels, but even those
patient groups show high non-compliance levels.
The cost of drugs and a lack of insurance are big factors in why many
patients don’t fill all their prescriptions, but the most commonly cited
reason is simply the belief that they didn’t need the drug. Patients who
do fill their prescriptions, but don’t take them as directed, cite simple
forgetfulness as the chief culprit.
Either way, pharmacies have a major opportunity to play a positive role
in their patients’ health and well-being by taking a more aggressive
approach to refill reminders and daily drug therapy.
Nearly one out of three pharmacy customers (32%) say they did not fill all their
new prescriptions during the past year, and 27 percent indicate that they did
not refill all of their prescriptions.
Clinic pharmacy customers are the most compliant in terms of filling new and
refilled prescriptions. Mass merchant customers tend to be the least compliant.
Among the medical conditions displayed, those treated for high blood pressure
are the most likely to have filled all of their new prescriptions in the past year.
Those treated for Parkinson’s, stroke and RLS are the least likely to have filled all
their new prescriptions in the past year.
The most commonly cited reason for not filling all prescriptions is not
needing (39%), followed by too costly (34%), insurance did not cover
(21%), changed by doctor (21%) and side effects (19%). Compared to last
year, respondents more commonly cite both costs and insurance coverage as
reasons for their non-compliance.
Forgetting (84%), by a wide margin, is the most commonly cited reason for
not taking all medications among pharmacy customers, followed by running
out (20%), not needing (8%), too costly (7%) and side effects (6%). Reasons
for not taking all medications as directed vary somewhat among customers
of different types of pharmacies. Mail/online customers are the most likely to
forget, while mass merchant customers are the most likely to cite costs.
Fewer than 1-in-5 pharmacy customers (18%) indicate that they received
a refill reminder in the past year. Pharmacy customers who received pharmacy refill reminders received an average of four reminders in the past year. Mail/online
customers are considerably more likely to receive refill reminders, compared to
customers of other types of pharmacies.
More than two out of three pharmacy customers overall indicate that they
missed a dose, took less medication than prescribed, or did not take medication
as directed in the past year. Minimal variation can be seen in levels of
medication compliance by type of pharmacy used.
Additional Medication Reminder Articles
The following are other articles relating to medication reminders and prescription refill services:
Individual Medication Reminder Account Signup
DSC provides an easy and secure sign-up procedure (For a quick overview, please visit the registration information web page).
- Online Enrollment - Sign-up online using our secure website.
- Subscriber Profile - Specify the senior citizen's profile (dates and times to make calls).
- Name Contacts - Identify who we need to contact if we can't reach the senior.
- Secure Payment - Choose one of several enrollment and payment options and pay online using Visa or MasterCard.
DSC provides online and phone management of your account. This lets you view a history of the calls. You can also manage the dates and times for these calls including vacation days.
Plus our service is performed automatically.
Create An eCARE Account For Medication Reminders
You can create and manage a community organization eCARE account for free using our online registration process. With this account, you can enroll seniors and other community members using various different profiles including medication reminders for under $10/month per group member:
Click on the Create eCARE Account link below.
Enter your organization's name, a valid email address along with your own password, and we will establish your eCARE account.
eCARE can now be used as your primary calling program for seniors in your community or can be a backup to any other system that is currently making these calls.
eCARE is a pay-as-you-go service and you only pay for the calls that we make.
Contact Us Today
Contact DSC to learn more about our call reminder technology products, software and services.